65 FW Community

20190814 165312  RODI water maker in the garage. 20190814 165326  100 gallon potable water storage tank in the garage for making/storing RODI water. 20190814 164619  When we decided that we wanted to locate the new saltwater reef tank where the current FW 90 is located we decided to split the FW 90 residents into the 40 breeder and the new WaterBox 40AIO. Since we were relocating the 40 breeder from the home office to the sitting room and the 40 breeder has the same LxW footprint as an Aqueon 65 gal we decided to use a 65 tank on the existing stand I had built. The 65 provides over 8" more view area height compared to the 40 breeder.
20190816 153456  A better shot of the stand 20190808 172426  After adding the sand (Caribsea Super Naturals Torpedo Beach), the first piece of driftwood (from "rocknartcreation" on E-bay EXCELLENT!), with a large Anubias Barteri from Greenpro on Amazon. 20190809 195441  The tank is cloudy after adding more plants from Greenpro (Amazon): Jungle Val,  three varieties of Amazon Sword (great!), and Rotala Indica (weak).
20190809 195452  The tank has a cycled Penn Plax 1200 canister filter that came from the 90 FW and an Aqueon Pro 200 watt heater. 20190809 195507 20190809 195623  I love the driftwood from "rocknartcreation" on E-bay.  It was shipped quickly, very well packed, pre-mounted on slate, clean, and has released NO tannins.
20190809 195637 20190810 170509  Moving nine X-Ray Tetras, six Albino Cories, and one common Pleco from their prior 90 gal tank into the new 65. 20190811 150432  After the water cleared from aquascaping.  No tannins!
20190812 172030  I added the second piece of mounted driftwood from "rocknartcreation" on E-bay, and added some Dark Red Ludwigia, and foreground plants. I am dosing with Seachem Flourish, CO2, and I placed Flourish tablets in the substrate for each plant. 20190812 181252 20190812 181325  Our Pleco loves Zuchini....
20190814 052720  This is with just the Beamswork ET Series 0.50W LED 2000 lumen light. It does not provide nearly enough light for med/high light plants in the tall (25") tank. 20190814 164630  This is with both Beamswork LED lights on (the more powerful light is a Beamswork DA FSPEC (5000 lumen) light which I am going to run 4-6 hours per day). 20190814 164649
20190812 194722  Our new 10 week old kitty "Tater Tot" watching the fish in the new tank.... 20190810 173839  Our herd of Albino Cories are affectionately called "Googans". 20190815 034355  The water is cloudy immediately after dosing the RODI water with Seachem Equilibrium to bring back minerals needed by the plants.  The water cleared back up within 30 minutes.
20190816 153429  Water cleared up 20190815 162151  The Dark Red Ludwigia is recovering from the initial 'melt'. 20190817 110307  Mr Angel is still king of the tank.
20190824 063425  One week later and all the plants are recovering nicely. 20190824 063442  The Dark Red Ludwigia is sprouting lots of red leaves at the top. 20190824 063638
20190824 063624  The Ludwigia is sending down lots of roots as well. 20190824 063451  Red Rubin Sword has lots of new (red) growth. 20190824 063505  The Jungle Val is slowly recovering from the initial melt.
20190824 064447  The Anubias Barteri is sprouting many roots and a new leaf. 20190824 063613  The Rotala Indica is sprouting new growth with longer slender leavesnear the top rather than the round leaves it had when it arrived. 20190908 180738  Week 6 - Plants doing well
20190908 180718  Week 6 - Plants doing well 20190908 180746  Week 6 - Plants doing well 20190908 180826  Week 6 - Plants doing well
20190908 180752  Week 6 - Plants doing well 20190908 180815  Week 6 - Plants doing well 20190908 180853  Week 6 - Plants doing well
20190908 180820  Angel is happy.